Silicon Acrylic Polymer for Water Proofing & All type of Concrete Applications

Aqua Proof DRV is Silicon Acrylic polymer formulated for use in coatings on varieties of surfaces. It is a water proofing liquid incorporated in mortar preparations as a one component having high water proofing properties. The
material is used on roof,terrace and walls to prevent water penetration. Even in the internal walls where water is rising, the use of the material seals the water ingress.

Aqua Proof DRV imparts the following properties

  • Water proofing.
  • Increases physical strength. i.e. Tensile, Compressive, Shear & flexural strength.
  • Resistance against chemicals, Alkalis, Solvents.
  • Ultra violet resistance.
  • Imparts flexibility to mortar and concrete.
  • Provides non porous surface.
  • It dries rapidly and has good adhesion to old and new concretes, brick, wood, metals and many other receiving surfaces.

    Typical Properties

    Appearance milky white liquid
    Solid content 45%
    Specific Gravity 1.1
    PH when packed 8 to 9
    Minimum Film forming temp.(MFT) -5 degree centigrade
    Shelf Life 1year

    Propertys of Silicon Acrylic water proofing solution

    • Fast film forming
    • Very good Adhesion
    • Excellent Flexibility
    • Highly Hydrofobic
    • Resistance from high to low temperature
    • High Abrasion Resistance
    • High Chemical Resistance
    • Good Weatherbility & Corrosion Resistance

    Uses of Aqua Proof DRV

    • Floor coating to improve impact resistance in industrial shades.
    • Coating on Mangalore Tiles roofs for water proof coating gives better strength and aesthetic look
    • Excellent adhesion with old & new concrete
    • For the new concrete slab (use of 1to 2% aqua proof DRV on the weight of the Portland cement used) a long and trouble free life is achieved.
    • For leak proof over head tanks, Under ground tanks, Basement, Swimming Pools
    • For Bathrooms, Toilet Blocks
    • Filling Cracks & Joints
    • Stops water penetration in internal & external walls

    Recommended Ratio’s (Parts)

    Applications Aqua Proof DRV Water White & Gray Cement
    Water proofing for (Roofs, Walls, Terrace, Bathroom, Toilet Blocks etc) 1 1 4
    Metal for plasters crack filling etc. 1 1 5
    • One kilo of Aqua proof DRV is sufficient for coating 80sq feet of surface if used for direct coating
    • One kilo of the mixture of cement,water and aqua proof DRV can coat 40 square feet of surface.
    • Direct coating of Aqua Proof DRV is recommended as a first coat and sub sequent coating mixture of cement, water and Aqua Proof DRV gives best results.
    • Above mentioned consumptions are based on ideal servicing surface and shall vary on the degree of finish of the surface to be coated.
    • The above information is only a guide line but formulation can be adjusted as per the practical requirement.